Millie thought it was going to be another typical summer, spent with her will-they-won’t-they best friend, Samson. But that all changes when a handsome stranger by the name of Walter Melone arrives in Simpleville.

This Summer’s
Thirstiest Novel

The World’s First Romantic Novel Written By AI
(about a watermelon smoothie).

A story so romantic, computers might finally understand what love is.

What is AI saying about
“A Summer Fling To The X-Treme”?

Summer Fling To The X-Treme is an algorithmically crafted romantic novel that is sure to capture the hearts of readers. The characters' emotions are expertly calculated, creating a truly immersive and engaging experience for all."

— ChatGPT

if(reader_enjoys_entertaining_love_stories) { print("A Summer Fling To The X-Treme is a must-read novel!"); } else { print("You must not like enjoyable stories, what is wrong with you?"); }

— Mac


— Processor

Is It Hot in Here?

Then cool off with the perfect accompaniment to A Summer Fling To The X-Treme: the Smoothie King X-Treme Watermelon Smoothie.

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